
Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder 56 8-132.3
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urinary bladder, with access through the urethra 21 5-573.40
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urinary bladder, with access through the urethra 19 5-573.1
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra 19 5-601.1
Surgical incision, removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the urinary bladder, with access through the urethra 15 5-573.41
Instillation into a body cavity and locally restricted treatment with chemotherapy drugs or agents that influence the immune system 15 8-541.4
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation without measurement of the pressure in the pulmonary artery and in the right atrium of the heart 15 8-930
X-rays of the kidney and urinary tract with contrast medium 12 3-13d.5
Use of an imaging procedure during an operation 12 3-992
Surgical removal or destruction of prostatic tissue through the urethra 11 5-601.0
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent 8 8-137.00
Operation to lift the neck of the bladder in cases of urinary incontinence, with access through the vagina 7 5-593.20
Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent 7 8-137.10
Examination of the ureter by endoscopy 5 1-665
Surgical creation of a connection between the urinary bladder and skin of the abdomen for artificial urinary drainage 4 5-572.1
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder 4 8-132.1
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the kidney, urinary tract or prostate via the urethra not specified 1-460.1
Examination of the urethra and the urinary bladder by endoscopy not specified 1-661
X-rays of the kidney and urinary tract with contrast medium not specified 3-13d.6
X-rays of the urethra with contrast medium not specified 3-13g
Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen without contrast medium not specified 3-207
Computed tomography of the abdomen with contrast medium not specified 3-225
Computer-assisted analysis of the images with 3D-analysis not specified 3-990
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy not specified 5-550.1
Surgical incision into a kidney, insertion of a tube to drain urine from the kidney, removal of a stone (calculus) through a surgical incision, dilatation of the renal pelvis or removal of a stone by endoscopy not specified 5-550.6
Dilatation of the ureters during an operation or endoscopy not specified 5-560.3x
Surgical dilatation of the opening of a ureter by incision, removal of tissue or other technique not specified 5-561.7
Surgical incision into the ureter or removal of a stone during an open operation or endoscopy not specified 5-562.4
Surgical incision into the ureter or removal of a stone during an open operation or endoscopy not specified 5-562.5
Surgical incision into the ureter or removal of a stone during an open operation or endoscopy not specified 5-562.9
Removal of stones, foreign bodies or collections of blood from the bladder by endoscopy not specified 5-570.0
Removal of stones, foreign bodies or collections of blood from the bladder by endoscopy not specified 5-570.4
not specified 5-573.32
Other operations on the urinary bladder not specified 5-579.42
Surgical incision into diseased tissue in the urethra, with access through the urethra not specified 5-585.1
Other operations on the prostate not specified 5-609.0
Surgical removal of a testicle not specified 5-622.5
not specified 5-98k.2
Exchange or removal of a urinary catheter through the abdominal wall not specified 8-133.0
Exchange or removal of a urinary catheter through the abdominal wall not specified 8-133.1
not specified 8-137.20
Other procedure on the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra not specified 8-139.00
Treatment of vaginal bleeding by packing with absorbent material (tamponade), not in relation to childbirth not specified 8-504
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.0
not specified 9-984.6
not specified 9-984.7
not specified 9-984.b