endogap Klinik für Gelenkersatz

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Stosswellentherapie z. B. Ansatzendiosen n. endoprothetischerm Gelenkersatz VO00
Septische Gelenk / Prothesenchirurgie an Hüfte und Knie VO00
Endofit Sportkurse VO00
Funktionsdiagnostik und Bewegungsanalyse VO00
Metal / foreign body removal VC26
Ligament reconstructions/plasties VC27
Joint replacement procedures / endoprosthetics VC28
Treatment of decubital ulcers VC29
Septic bone surgery VC30
Diagnosis and treatment of bone inflammation VC31
Diagnosis and treatment of hip and thigh injuries VC39
Diagnosis and treatment of knee and lower leg injuries VC40
Surgery for movement disorders VC49
Diagnosis and treatment of arthropathies VO01
Diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases of the connective tissue VO02
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the spine and back VO05
Diagnosis and treatment of muscular diseases VO06
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the synovialis and tendons VO07
Diagnosis and treatment of other soft tissue diseases VO08
Diagnosis and treatment of osteopathies and chondropathies VO09
Diagnosis and treatment of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue VO10
Diagnosis and treatment of tumours of the postural and locomotor organs VO11
Special consultation hour - Orthopaedics VO13
Endoprosthetics VO14
Rheumatic surgery VO17
Pain therapy / multimodal pain therapy Multimodale Komplextherapie z. B. bei prolongierten Heilverlauf mit Funktionsdefiziten und Schmerzsyndromen nach endoprothetischen Gelenkersatz. VO18
Sports medicine / sports traumatology Im Institut für Bewegungsanalyse und Sportmedizin werden durch Sportmediziner und Sportwissenschaftler folgende diagnostische und therapeutischen Leistungen angeboten: Sporttauglichkeitsuntersuchung, Ruhe- und Belastungs-EKG, Blutbild. Leistungsdiagnostik Spiroergometrie und Laktat- und Kraftdiagn. VO20
Traumatology VO21
Native sonography VR02
Fluoroscopy as a standalone service VR08