Gefäßchirurgie & Gefäßmedizin

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Ultraschallkompentenzzentrum CAES VX00
Argon-Kaltplasmatherapie VX00
Therapie mit autologen Wachstumsfaktoren bei Problemwunden VX00
Operations due to chest trauma VC13
Aortic aneurysm surgery VC16
Open surgical and endovascular treatment of vascular diseases VC17
Conservative treatment of arterial vascular diseases VC18
Diagnosis and treatment of venous diseases and secondary diseases VC19
Transplantation surgery Hauttransplantationen VC25
Treatment of decubital ulcers VC29
Plastic-reconstructive procedures VC57
Special consultation hour - Surgery VC58
Dialysis shunt surgery VC61
Port implantation VC62
Amputation surgery VC63
Diagnosis and treatment of other skin and subcutaneous diseases VD10
Dermatosurgery VD12
Wound healing disorders VD20
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the veins, lymph vessels and lymph nodes VI05
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases VI06
Shunt centre VI41
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) vascular diseases VK03
Child traumatology z.B. bei Milzrupturen VK32
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases VN01
Stroke unit Beteiligung VN24
Foot surgery VO15
Traumatology VO21
Native sonography VR02
One-dimensional Doppler sonography VR03
Duplex sonography VR04
Sonography with contrast agents VR05
Fluoroscopy as a standalone service VR08
Optical laser-based methods VR14
Arteriography VR15
Quantitative determination of parameters VR29