Fachabteilung Allgemeinchirurgie, Unfallchirurgie, Adipositaschirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie, Orthopädie und Sportmedizin

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Allgemeinchirurgie VA00
Orthopädie und Sportmedizin VZ00
Plastic surgery VA15
Gastrointestinal surgery VC22
Liver, bile and pancreatic surgery VC23
Tumour Surgery VC24
Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder and upper arm injuries VC36
Diagnosis and treatment of elbow and forearm injuries VC37
Diagnosis and treatment of knee and lower leg injuries VC40
Surgery for chronic pain disorders VC51
Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery VC55
Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery VC56
Special consultation hour - Surgery VC58
Obesity surgery VC60
Spine surgery VC65
Arthroscopic surgery VC66
Surgical intensive care medicine VC67
Emergency medicine VC71
Foot surgery VO15
Hand surgery VO16
Shoulder surgery VO19
Sports medicine / sports traumatology Kreuzbandoperationen, arthroskopische Meniskuseingriffe, Knorpeltransplantationen, Schulteroperationen, Umstellungsoperationen, Totalendoprothesen an Knie, Hüfte, Schulter und Sprunggelenk, Schlittenprothesen, Hüftarthroskopien, Halluxoperationen, Sprunggelenksarthroskopien, Achillessehneneingriffe VO20